Add via Favourites

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Favourites are list of items that you use together regularly, that are stored together under a heading for ease of retrieval and take off.


As soon as the Favourite is selected all prices and Fit Times are refreshed.


Here is the standard Favourite Index (supplied):



By double clicking on one of the Favourites in the list the split screen will open, populated with the items from within the Favourite:



To transfer items on to the Take Off Screen either:



Highlight 1st required Item (single click)


Press Enter on key board,


enter quantity


Press Enter


Use down arrow to move to next required item


Press Enter







Follow above but with double clicks on the mouse





Enter the quantity of required items in the quantity column first (see the Selected Column auto tick)


Don't select any item not required - make sure Selected box not ticked against items you don't require this time


Click golden Select button when ready: