Stock Detail
Find By Location - Select a stock item from the stock index using location as the entry
Next - Select next stock item.
Previous - Select previous stock item.
Create - Create a new stock item.
Edit - Edit the currently selected stock item.
Delete - Delete the currently selected stock item.
Stock Movement
Book In - Book items into stock or return from a job.
Book Out - Book items out of stock.
Book Out Kit - Book a group of items out of stock.
Batch Book Out - Book out a batch of items.
Transfer - Move an item location within stock.
Batch Transfer - Move a batch of items locations.
All Allocations - Show all allocated stock items.
Produce Pick List - Produce a list of items that are needed from stock for the selected job (or part of the job).
Stock Details Report - Generate a report that shows all stock details and levels.
Stock take Report - Generate a stock take report that can be filled in to facilitate updating the stock levels.
Select Report - Select a report to generate.
Statistics - Show statistics for stock movements.
Add Location - Add a new stock location.
Tidy Locations - Remove any unused stock locations.
Stock Take - Update stock levels based on recounted stock.
Add From Database - Add a database item to stock.
Quick Setup - Enables stock reorder levels etc. to be quickly setup when first configuring the stock system.