Site Details

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Site Control


Select - this will select a specific site from an index, as shown below:



The site can be selected from the index by searching for the required site.

You can select the field that you wish to search by, in the above example we are searching by the Account Code.

Then by partially entering an account code into the Search For box, the site list is updated to show only matching sites.


You can filter the list of sites to only show sites that match the Site Type selected.

You can filter the list of sites to only show sites that match the customer selected.



Next - this will select the next site on the system.


Previous - this will select the previous site on the system.


Create - this will clear down the screen and enter edit mode to allow new site details to be entered.


Edit - this will enter edit mode to allow the currently selected site details to be changed.

Delete - this will delete the currently selected site and any associated data, e.g. notes, equipment etc. Use with caution as the data can only be recovered from a backup!


Change Account Code - this allow the account code for the currently selected site to be changed. Changing the account code also changes the account code for the currently selected  siteon all associated modules e .g. any estimates etc. for this site will be updated to show the newly entered account code.




Index Basic - this runs a basic index showing one site per line.


Index Detailed - this runs a more detailed report showing site address etc.


Select Report - this allow a report to be selected from the index of available reports.


Detailed - this runs a detailed report for the currently selected site.




Save as - this saves the site details under another account code.


Transfer To customer - this creates a customer with the same details as the currently selected site.


Copy To Clipboard - this copies the site contact, address and postcode onto the Window clipboard so that the data can be pasted into a letter or the like.


Site Wizard - this uses a wizard to create a new site.