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The Values tab brings all the costs in the Estimate together and looks like this:




It has two Menu's (on the left of the screen) a Data Area (center)and a Graphical Analysis Area (on the right)


Menu Options:



Reprice Products

 Here the user can Reprice the Estimate, Reload the standard database discounts/classes and fix numbers

 Database Fit Times can also be reloaded and the choice of which Fit Time to use is shown.





Supplier Discounts

 This feature allows the user to see what the net total of materials will be from various suppliers

 The calculations for Best Price are made using the highest available discount per product and/or the lowest Supplier Agreed Net:

 Select the Supplier Type (Electrical or Mechanical by default)

 Check Best Buy field

 Click Calculate




 To place these prices into the Estimate, highlight the required line and click on Select.

 A Bill Of Materials print out is available from the Reports menu, with options on what to print




Target Total

 This feature allows the user to enter the value/amount he wants to Tender at

 The Software will proportionately adjust the selected Material and Labour Classes up or down, increasing or decreasing the Profit % so the Estimate Total matches the required figure.

 Classes marked as Don't Target (see System Defaults) will not be affected unless deliberately clicked on here (overrides Don't Target settings)

 To make the Don't Target stand out, they are not highlighted  here, but will go pale yellow (Material) or green (Labour) if they are attracting a change






Change Hours

 This feature allows the Total Hours in the Estimate to be altered

 Simply click in the Required Fit Time field and enter the new hours

 The Lock Fit Times field allows you to choose what action to take over items whose times are already locked:

         No Change = No adjustments will be made to them

         Lock = Applies Lock to all the items in the Estimate

         Unlock = removes the locking and allows them to attract the changes




Advanced Menu features:



Show Warnings

 Can be set in User Defaults to run each time the Values tab is clicked on

 This feature scans the Estimate Items and produces a list of all Un-priced and/ or Un-laboured Items

 It also lists any item that has been ticked as Flag Warning.




 Items Can be edited individually (highlight and click edit) or by a selection (click and drag on left hand arrow column - u)        


 Editing individually opens the Item screen and allows changes to be made (enter Fit Time, price or remove Flag Warning tick)

 Editing Multiple Items produces the following screen:




 Don't forget any changes made here will change all items that were highlighted.




Material Listings

 Click here for separate topic






Data Area meanings:



O/H Net Cost


Profit %

Retail (Sell Price)



Total of all Labour Classes

Shown including any Overhead Markup

(from Markup Classes Screen)


Total value of Labour profit column

(from Markup Classes Screen)

Profit portrayed as a percentage


O/H Net Cost column + Profit Column




Total Estimate hours

(from Markup Classes tab/Total Fit Time)






Total of all Material Classes

Shown including any Overhead Markup

(from Markup Classes Screen)


Total value of Material profit column

(from Markup Classes Screen)

Profit portrayed as a percentage


O/H Net Cost column + Profit Column




Total of all items in the Estimate entered as type=plant

Total value of profit from Plant items

Profit portrayed as a percentage


Cost of Plant + Profit





Total of all items in the Estimate entered as type=other

Total value of profit from Other items

Profit portrayed as a percentage


Other Cost + Profit

Sub Contract




Total of all items in the Estimate entered as Sub Contract

Total value of profit from Sub Contract Items

Profit portrayed as a percentage


Sub Contract Cost + Profit







Sub Total



Total from all fields in this column

(except Hours)

Total from all fields in this column

Total from all fields in this column

Total from all fields in this column

Including Special Costs of :

Total of all items marked No Spread Costs


Preliminaries :

Total or Prelim's (ghosted)


MCD % :

ie 2.5641% = (1/39)

MCD Value :

MCD displayed as a value


PCS (Provisional Cost Sums) :

Total from Provisional Sums Screen


Total Estimate Value before MCD allowance :


Sum of all Columns with MCD added in

Total Estimate Value :


Rounded Estimate Value, again including the MCD amount


Rounded Estimate Value:

The Software calculates a Schedule of Rates which needs to add up across the page as well as down the page

When dealing with numbers which can be up to 6 decimal places long, the arithmetic on some systems can appear not to add up.

This can lead to Schedules being returned by a QS or Customer and queries can arise

To obviate this problem SEC's software offers the option to Round Estimate Value which will round the unit cost of items to the nearest penny so that the item lines on the S/O/R will add up perfectly


