... The Complete Contractors Software Suite
Welcome to SEC Solutions
Existing Customers web site.
If you are NOT an existing Cypher user, or just want to see what else is
available from SEC, visit
Cypher1 is a complete suite of software that enable contractors
to undertake the day to day tasks of running their businesses in a simple but efficient
Here you can find Version Enhancements (software
upgrades), Database Updates, and Support/Training aids,
as well as information on the other modules we provide and any new
releases imminent.
Also check out the special offers on
www.secestimating.com/special-offers/. These are updated every month
and cover free modules, free users and free training etc.
Please choose from the menu on the left to navigate around the site.
web worker
- web customer (details imminent)
- web timesheets (details imminent)